Before I tell you all how much fun I had in my LYS year end sales,
I decide to post all pictures of the yarn I bought.
YES! Picture speaks a thousand words!
Here you go~

So, Woolie ewe was having a BIG sales last year. It was a 4-day sales. To make the story short, everything was 40% almost EVERYDAY. I was there EVERYDAY and I spent like 200usd which is very good control of me! But you know what, I am regret now of not getting ENOUGH yarn when they are THAT cheap. Especially Debbie Bliss! I am regret that I did not get the cashmerino that I can make a beautiful sweater or cardigan.
Anyway, the last day of sales was 28th Dec. The sales started by 5am and I did not get there before Jill arrived to get the 40% off but I still got to have 35% off. I arrived there about 5.15am and there were around 15-20 people. About 15mins after my arrival, Jill walked up to the big round table in the middle of the shop, with a big bag of yarn in her hand. At that time, I was like 5 or 6 feet away from her. She then tried to get everyone in the store to walk up to the table and she poured out all the yarn from the big bag onto the table and said:" Hi everyone, there are free yarn here for everybody. Please grab one that you like and that will be yours, for FREE!"
I swear, before I GOT to get near to the table, there was already 4, 5 ladies around the table started browsing through the yarn. Before I had my hand on any, I was already attracted by a beautiful ball of Noro Sock yarn. THANKS GOD that no one was interested in it and I successfully GRAB it and made it mine!!! * it is all mine~~~*
While I was still on cloud nine all happy over this free ball of Noro, Jill came up to me and passed me a Woolie Ewe cotton bag and she said that is a free gift too! Have I told you lately that how much I love my LYS??? If I haven't, then I have to tell you now that I REALLY REALLY LOVE WOOLIE EWE!!!
If you happen to come to Dallas and are in the mood for some yarn shopping. PLEASE visit to Woolie Ewe and you will not be disappointed. All the employees are nice and friendly, of course the owners Jill and Sue are marvelous nice person as well. Honestly, I am very very happy that Woolie Ewe is located so nearby my house. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥