I know about GHD through Melisa. An old friend of mine that we share interests in cosmetic, make up, hair do, celebrity gossips and bla bla... I was so excited about it until I SAW the price. Dang, 240usd for a hair straightener? Apparently it is something more than my budget and I refuse to pay for it.
CHI and Sedu are some other good hair straightener brands in the market and they cost lower than GHD. I actually planned to get a Sedu sometimes end of this year but I think I have to change my mind now because... I already had my hands on GHD, and I KNOW how GREAT it is. Well, I din't purchase one but Melisa did. She bought one online in the states and shipped to my place and I will carry it back to Malaysia for her. Of course, I have the privillage to TEST TRY it to make sure it works fine.
It is a GHD Mk4 Black. It comes in a big, nice rectangular box. It looks no difference with those normal straighteners but the ceramic plate is coated in yellow color. The whole thing actually weights very light only the plug is heavy. Before I used it, I already had my hair clean and blowed dry the night before I went to sleep. It heats up very fast. Firstly, I sprayed a layer of heat protection on my hair and then I devided my hair into two part, left and right. I worked on the left side of hair first and I was totally amazed with it. I heard this little voice buzzing around my ears, " You Gotta HAVE it! "
Well, my hair is quite straight to begin with but it is not sleeky shine and straight enough to my standard. I know some people might think I am crazy (like my hubby) but this is what I think. Since I already spent years to keep my hair to this length, I definitely should put much effort to keep it healthy and looks good. To compare the conair 2" nano ceramite straightener I own with GHD, I can definitely strongly feel the minimal damage GHD could do to my hair. GHD is so easy to use, it glides through my hair smoothly need you not pressing hard on the straightener with two hands. I love how it glides smoothly, effortlessly through the few inch end of my hair. That is the driest part of my hair with multiple endless split ends. I always have hard time gliding through my hair tail when I use the conair I have. But I don't have this problem at all using the GHD. That is why GHD has totally captivated my heart.

GHD can be used to curl your hair too. It doesn't work very well for me in curling my hair as I think is due to my hair length. I will stick with my curling iron to create big waves and curls. Anyway, this is something I would like to share with everyone after I finally use the GHD. I am happy and satisfied with the sleekiness and shininess it gives. It is GOOD, well, it is GREAT I have to say. If you want to buy a good straightener and you were willing to invest into a pricy gadget, GHD should be in your list. Honestly, I want one. Haha, but I have to save up some money for it. It is expensive, but it worth every penny though. So here I officially announce, GHD is in my wishlist. =)

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