He Will Like This!
The TV in the living room is always on when John is at home. He in charges of all the remote controls for the TV, sound system, cable, DVD players and some game consoles we have. I hate to do deal with all the remote controls and John always get yelled at when all the remote controls are scattered everywhere in the living room.
Remember that I always complain about the difficulties of getting gift for John? Now I already have something cool in the gift list for him which is the NeoHD. NeoHD is a new device which is created by Yamaha that would simplify your entire entertainment system. One remote, one on-screen interface and you have the complete control of everything.
With Yamaha neoHD, I won't have hard time figuring how to operate all the entertainment systems at my house. Imagine that one remote control does all the job, isn't that amazing? When my parents are over here for vacation, I don't have to take hours to explain to them which remote control does what and which button they should press. Believe me, old people like them always have problem with multiple remotes.
If you are one of the housewifes who hates multiple remotes in your house, you now can take part of the Yamaha neoHD Sweepstakes to win one neoHD. Want to know more about this sweepstakes? You can log in to http://izea.com/enter-yamahas-neohd-sweepstakes/now! Also, you can find Yamaha neoHD on facebook! I am very excited about this new product as I know John will like it as much as I do!

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