Happy Birthday My Love!
18th July was John's birthday and I wanted to bake him a special cake. A more challenging cake I prefer therefore I decided to make a fondant cake. Blame on the TLC Cake Boss show, all the cakes they make just simply look too fantastic and delicious. After spending some times looking up recipes, I was all excited and ready to get my hand on making it!
I spent about 4 hours in the kitchen kneading the stupid melted marshmallow with sugar and I knew right then I should have USED another recipe. Aaahhh, what an experience! At last, I yelled out for help because I have ran out energy to knead anymore. John came in and finished everything for me!
Ahhhh... I still feel very frustrated whenever think of that experience. I want to make another one very soon. Anyway, John managed to make out few broken pieces of the fondant layer and spread them on the top of the cake. Another special request from him, he wanted me to make the frosting myself. Well, everybody ate a piece of cake that night and John loves the cake simply because the two starwars figures that were decorated on the cake.
Happy Birthday baby and sorry for the embarassing cake! I promise I will improve in time and make you another fancy cake next year! =)

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