Infant Child CPR
Lately, there was a tragedy happened in Coppell, somewhere near my area. Two young kids of age 1 and 3 drowned in the swimming pool while the father fell asleep. We can imagine how guilty and broken hearted the father is feeling. Try to put us in his shoes, if one day, something like this happen to our kids, do we have the ability to rescue them?
Infant Child CPR is something we all should learn and know. I watch an Online Baby CPR demo this evening and I strongly recommend everyone to check out the site as well, either you are already parents or soon-to-be parents. If you want to know more than just the demo, you can contact the site, ask for a code to view the full course.
You might think it takes time and effort to go somewhere to learn CPR but now, that should be no more excuses since you can learn all this online. Please go check out this Online Baby CPR everybody! You can be a hero maybe once a lifetime to rescue a little one!

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