Austin Trip - Mothers Day Weekend
We planned for this trip like months ago and I am very happy that we chose the right weekend to go. It was a girls trip = shopping trip. I have been hearing so much about St.Marcus outlet mall and was really excited to visit there.
We left Dallas around 6pm at Friday and it took about 3 hours to reach there. Before we arrived Austin, we found out that there is this new outlet mall in Roundrock, which is like 20 minutes drive away from Austin. The outlet mall looks decent with many good brands shops.
We checked in to our hotel about 9pm and we left the hotel to get some food right away. Well, Rosanne and I wanted to have some mexican food and margarita, so Rosanne called up her friend to find out any good recommendation from the friend. Gloria was driving all the time. She drives this giant monster Chevy Avalanche. She did a good job. My god, the parking in the hotel is real small and limited. I am real impressed with her driving skill. Bravo~ One thing, Austin people tends to drive differently. They either drive like they are drunk, or they are stoned. I have no idea at all. Oh ya, back to our restaurant searching part. After a quite long conversation with the friend on the phone, Rosanne managed to get two recommendations from the friend. By the time we arrived the Fonda bla bla mexican restaurant, it was already 10.45pm. Come on, Friday night in Austin? We assumed every things are still up. But, the restaurant kitchen was already freaking closed. Harlo~ closed??!! OK! We left that place and headed back to downtown. Ended up we had our late dinner at a 24hrs cafe. Food was alright and I did get to drink margaritas. But what I enjoyed more was watching people walking on the street through the cafe window. As you know, Austin is a college city. And we were at somewhere near 6th street, a place that you can find many pubs, interesting shops and restaurants. There were many nice dressed up ladies and good looking guys walking around. Of course there were yuckie and ugly people who think they look gorgeous and nice on the streets. After filling up our stomach, we went back to hotel to hit the sack and be ready for the next day shopping!!!
Saturday morning, we left the hotel and had a nice breakfast in Magnolia cafe. This place must be very famous because there was a long line outside the cafe when we got there. Luckily the line move very quick. We got our seats after 15 minutes wait like that. I had a ham and cheese ormellete with a big glass or orange juice! yummy!!!
Anyway, by the time of 12 or so, we already at the Roundrock outlet mall. Yup, we decided to go to this new one instead of St. Marcus. I think we made the right choice because the layout of this mall is just nice, it is a big square, easy to shop around and most of the wanted shops are there.
I hopped in Polo first, then Coach, then ...... a lot a lot more shops! hahaha~ ANYWAY, Crabtree and Evelyn is there. Did I tell you that was Mothers day weekend? And they had this freaking unbelievable promotion!!! I tell you, God spoils me most of the time! Din't I just tell you how much I heart Crabree product? I grabbed a lot of lotions and handcream. Of course I called up Shirley and got some for her as well.
Lets not to list out how much I spent and what exactly I bought ok ? But I did take some pictures of those items. Have fun looking at the pictures everybody.

After 5 to 6 hours or great shopping there. We left the outlet mall with handful of bags. We headed back to hotel, took a shower and ready to go out for dinner. We wanted to go back to that Fonda bla bla again. This time, we all dressed up, I even put on my nice new heels. We arrived there at 9pm. There was this nasty gal at the entrance asking us if we made any reservation. We said nope and she said there will be long wait. How long? Ok, you give me a number?! 45mins? No!!! She said, 2 hours!!! FREAKING 2 HOURS wait!!! WTF??!!! Bye to you Fonda bla bla! Again, we left the place with hatred! hahaha!
Anyway, we went to a nice and good restaurant, CastleHill Cafe. We had some real delicious appertizers. I ordered myself a delicious sirloin steak. It was a lovely dine out. After dinner, we drove around the downtown, drove through 6th street. Austin is a real happening city with interesting places and people. Before we went back to the hotel, we went to a cool record shop. Its Waterloo Records. Not only they carry tons of records, they do sell funny stuffs, interesting books as well. I love that place!!!
Sunday, we woke up about the same time and went to another Magnolia cafe to have our breakfast. This Magnolia is closer to downtown. I had myself a omellete again. Yummie! Before we headed back to Dallas, we stopped by the Capitol in downtoan, took some pictures there. After that, we went back to Roundrock outlet mall again. hehe~ I grabbed another Coach handbag for my mom! Next year Mothers day weekend, I really wanna come back here again!!! Austin is a real beautiful city. I like this city and I think I will love to stay there. If I ever go back to Pharmacy school, Austin is the nearest city I should go. That means, there is a possibility that I will live in Austin!

The last picture above was self-shot in the hotel room. Can you all see the face print on the window glass? They din't clean the glass everyday I bet. I only saw that after this picture was taken. Kinda creepy huh!
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