2 of us!
7th May 2008 Wednesday! Important day! Its my gal-out day with Shirley! Well, a day out to celebrate my passing in my road test (I am sure we will still go out even though if I failed the test AGAIN!) Anyway, as plan, we will have lunch at Sushi Sake. Oooooo~ I have been craving about Japanese food for a century that long. I just felt very very excited about that.
The restaurant opens at 11:30am and Shirley came pick me up at 10am. I was bad and made her waited like 5 minutes because I did not set my alarm clock and hubby did not wake me up. I jumped off the bed at 9.35am! Amazingly, I still manage to brush my teeth, wash my face, change, make up, iron my hair in that 30mins! =p
Shirley took me to a supermarket at Garland. She passed something to someone there and after that, I had a damn nice delicious dessert before my brunch. But who care haha~ Its a dessert from a vietnamese store. I call it 3C- Custard, Caramel and Coffee. Wooo... so smooth the custard and IT TASTES FANTASTIC! And the black syrup just taste like a combination of caramel and coffee. I give this a 9 stars!!! Good recommendation Shirley as always!

This is the 3C! yummy~
By 11.45am, we were already at Sushi Sake. This place was soo busy. Yup, Sushi Sake serves very good food. We ordered a spider roll, grilled seabass and a plate of sushi and sashimi. Oh, also 2 glasses of ice green tea. The ice green tea is sweet and its just nice! =)
After a 15mins wait I guess, the grilled seabass arrived. * Feel like eating this so much now * Wah, Shirley does a good job recommending this again. It tastes soooo good! Coated with light sweet soy sauce and the meat inside is just soft, tender, silky. It melted right away when I put it into my mouth. Hmmm~ Seabass I love you!
The spider roll and sushi sashimi served right after we finished the seabass. I love spider!!! Deep fried soft shell crab. Well, I don't want to describe the food anymore because I am slobbering badly now. I just can't get enough of Japanese food. Let the pictures speak the rest k?

After this very satisfying lunch, we headed to a big supermarket at Legacy. I wanted to get some ingrediet to cook curry for hubby. He is totally obsessed with Curry nowadays. Of course I got something else there too. There are some retail shops in the same building. After we done with the shopping in supermarket, we went in a cosmetic skincare shop. Ahem~ We just left the cart outside the shop and wandered around at the shop. WE FOUND SOMETHING we BOTH WANT! Crabtree and Evelyn! Shirley grabbed a bath and shower gel and I grabbed a handcream. We love the Rosewater product. It smells soo good! We were so tempted to get MORE. We both wanted so much to buy the hand and body lotion BUT we left the shop in time. Believe me, we were like debating about that in the car for at least 3 minutes. We decided we will get that next time. hehe~

Try to shoot the yellow ladybird but seems like my own image is clearer. hehe~
Before we left the carpark, we had another little fun there. Shirley recommended me this very cute kawaii Japanese carbonated drinks. I chose a Lychee flavour one and she showed me how to drink it. Well, its not just twist the cap and drink! The drink is seal with a marble and the glass marble is at the upper part of the neck of the bottle. A plastic thingy comes with the drink. You have to use the plastic tool to PUSH or POP the marble down into the bottle. Wooo~ Fansy! haha! So when you drink, the marble will make some sound. It taste nice! =)

Ta dah~ Thats my sweet little friend Shirley! Just side view of her for you all now.

See the marble?
Me camwhoring again in Shirley's car!
After all those fun we had, its already 3pm. Another real nice day out with Shirley! Looking forward to our next day out ya! I know she will take me to other nice good food again! Thanks my little friend!

Me camwhoring again in Shirley's car!
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