Sunday, September 16, 2007

I want to play Piano again
I always have a regret, which is I quited learning piano and din't complete it as I should. That time, I was preparing for grade 7 exam, due to the house moving to another state, I quited and never pick up again.

I always wish to practice and learn it again if I got chance. Lately, I been looking at some second hand piano and think of getting one after Christmas. At the same time, I found this Piano Chords Blog, which is a amazing site that appears at the right time. This blog provide free piano lessons, blogger writes about some aspect of piano chords and chord progressions, including a healthy dose of music theory.

It has been 10 years that I din't play piano and I don't think I will look for a private teacher at this moment. I believe with the help of this blog, I will be able to recall what I have learned in the past and indulge myself again in Piano playing!

**this is a paid post**