Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Some cookings and knittings...
They say, if you want to know how your wife looks like in twenty years, you just have to look at her mom now. Just like most of the other daugthers, I grew up having many arguments with my mom especially when I was a teenager. But I would say, I am always her lovely and heart-melting daugther. If I could have chosen all over again to have somebody to be my mom, I will still want the same mom. I just want to say, I miss my mom very much... I think I still need her very much eventhough I am a well grown adult. I miss her...

I learned how to cook when I was about 10, 11. Most of the weekdays, my brother and I took turns to go to the nearby market to buy vege and meat for dinner. Around 5, I would prepare the meat and vegetable, washed them, cut them and waited for my mom to cook. I am really thankful for those precious experience.

Today, I had fried a piece of fish the first time ever in my life. I mean, I fried it in the way my mom does. It was cooked for John's lunch. I fried some tiny slices of ginger in hot oil. And then removed them into a small bowl when they turned goldie burnt. After that, put the fish in the wok and fried it in medium heat. Make sure the fish is evenly fried both side. Ahh... I am soo happy that I dint mess up or burnt the fish. hahah~ I gotta call my mom later and tell her about this.

For dinner, I cooked Spicy Orange Beef, a recipe that I search from allrecipes.com. I modified the recipes, leave out the orange zest and add in asparagus. This dish turned out very yummy. John has his 2 thumbs up!!! Cooking can be fun sometimes...

And... I been knitting alot too. Christmas knitting~ Yeah!!! More scarves and fingerless gloves!!! I want to knit a sweater or cardigan badly, but I din't see any nice pattern yet and I don't have any inspiration to design one. Sucks!
