Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Happy time in the kitchen
Sometimes, you just know you have to bake or coo something in the kitchen. This does not only happen to me but also my hubby. I got this pumpkin oatmeal cookies recipe from Desiree last year Christmas and I tried once. I wanted to bake something badly on the Halloween day so pumpkin always goes right with Halloween no? I took out the recipe from my recipe drawer and made some befoe we headed to Diana's house for Halloween night. John said it is not cookies but like mini cake. I mix in oatmeal, almond nuts and chocolate chips. Love it love it~

Halloween night was alright. Diana's prepare a big plastic witch pot with tons of candies in it. Like previous year, many cute toddlers and kids dressed up nicely for the trick or treat. I am always happy to see the effort of the parents doing something with their kids on this special occasions. It reminds me how my parents would buy my brother and I beautiful lanterns on Mooncake festival. And there was even one year, my mom handmade a beautiful lantern for us. There is something I will never forget. Oh, I miss my parent and brother again.

For John, he been wanting to cook menudo badly. We went to Fiesta in the Saturday afternoon and got the beef tripe also others spices like oregano, papprica and chili powders. I am really glad to have a husband who likes to cook once in a while and most of the time, he cooks not bad too. =) I do eat beef tripe back home but definitely cook with different spices. I added some thai chilis in the menudo. I love HOT HOT food.
