You Are My Best Friend!
I wonder, how many best friend we could have in our lives.
I would say, I have more than one but Samantha,
She is someone very very special in my heart.
Thanks for the loves and carings from you dearie,
Thanks for the best wishes and supports,
Thanks for keeping me always in your mind.
Thanks for the gifts you got me from your Bangkok trip,
I appreciate the thoughts you always have about me,
Thanks very much my best friend...

The first time I saw Sam was at year 1995, in our high school girl toilet.

The first time I saw Sam was at year 1995, in our high school girl toilet.
That time, we did not know each other until year 1996, we studied at the same class.
But our friendship started to bloom at year 1998...
All these years all these time have become better and
more wonderful because of your existence.
Thanks for your shoulder for me to cry on,
Thanks for your hands always there for me to hold on too...
Real Friends are meant to be forever,
No jealousy, No competition, No comparison but only genuine wishes for each other,
Always wanting the best for each other.
Thanks again girl, for being my friend...
You Are My Best Friend!

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